Advocacy Days
At Convenntus, we provide a comprehensive, cost-effective suite of services for your fly-in. From targeting key offices and developing a compelling message to effective follow-up, we can:
Provide total logistical support for fly-ins, including lodging, meeting spaces, transportation, and unparalleled entertainment;
Arrange visits with the members of Congress and advisors you most need to reach;
Create personalized schedules for every member of your group, background information on the offices they'll visit, and tailored talking points for each meeting; and
Train your participants on how to communicate their story comfortably and confidently to representatives, senators, and key agency officials.
When your team arrives in Washington, they'll have all they need -- superlative meetings, updated schedules, effective advocacy documents, and an easy and effective path for feedback and follow-up -- to maximize their impact and their DC experience. And you'll get real-time input as well as the ability to leverage these visits quickly and strategically.